Monica Puerto

Data Scientist. An activist. A feminist. A latina. A speaker.

Programming Skills


Django,Regex,Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit Learn, Numpy, BeautifulSoup4, Selenium, Tensorflow, PyTorch, LIME

NLP: NLTK, GPT-2, Gensim [LDA, Word2vec, Glove], HuggingFace(BERT)


tidyverse, caret, modelr, MASS, tidytext, stringr, lubridate, acs, Rsocrata, glm, Shiny, leaflet, survey


Redshift, Snowflake, Postgres


S3 buckets, Redshift, AWLS CLI, EC2, Boto3, Lambdas, Cloudwatch, Gateway

AWS Machine Learning Certification 2021-2024


Pandas Python Library

Conditional Statements with Python

Object Oriented Programming

Government Advances in Statisical Programming (GASP) 2019

Fundamentals of an R Shiny web app

Python meetup R meetup WWC meetup


American University

Masters of Data Science 2021
Data Science

GPA: 3.9

Research Assistant January 2019-May 2021 under the supervision of Dr.Boukouvalas

Textbook Award Recipient 2020

Data Science SPA Fellow

Florida State University

Bachelor of Science 2012
Double Major Finance & Marketing

GPA: 3.5